I went to the PNE on Tuesday. First we got our ride tickets. Then we started walking to Playland. But my sister wanted to go and play in the bouncy castle - it needed a different tickets. So we went to the Music Express ride.
Afterwards, me and my dad walked over to the Corkscrew Roller Coaster. When we got there there was a problem. THE CAR WAS STUCK! The people had to put another car. Usually there is only one car but instead they put in two cars. So now every time the first car got to the end it would stop and not hit the second car.
After the roller coaster, we got popcorn. Then we met up with my sister and Mummy to go to the animal barn. We looked at cows, pigs, chicks, bunnies and ducklings. I also saw three cow pies (poop!) in their pen. Gross!!
After the barn we went to get lunch. We went to find a picnic table to eat. Then my Mummy wanted to sit with my sister and my dad. We were too heavy on one side and the table tipped over and we almost fell. After eating we went back to Playland and I went on the Brake Dance ride and it was WILD!!
Then we went on the Gladiator ride. Dad did not like it.